
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Neo V7 - Long Update Is Long!

Take a seat. Be comfortable. Because this is going to be a long one.

The End... Or is it?...


Goo Angez said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! i'm fine with most changes except:


i feel it should remain as the artist's name. becus if we go by word, it'll be a really uninteresting long list.

and another:
why do we have to publicise? i feel that it is nice as it is now. we don't need to be bloody famous or wht. the reason for this doodle space is to keep in touch and share our love for drawing, not with the world but among ourselves. i find it more personal than one that is widely publicised.


Anonymous said...

Y JR.Pingz is inside the monster mess!!! lol

Goo Angez said...

did you see my appendix? or is that earthworm!? did you see! DID YOU SEE.

TeaLady said...

nice one. i guess that is better then just explaining with text. yup. i agree that tags as artist names. (don't ask why, I just like it)

oh. er.. names ar...
*stress, bang heads really hard*

BFFnation (sound personal but I like)
TreeOfFire (very random)

Goo Angez said...

if really want a new name,
i really like scribbletree =)

i find it rather significant also.
because a "tree" is a living thing.
it grows (: and needs to be nurtured. blablabla.

and why scribble... x= cos i find it more authentic. "doodle" is really quite rather overused.

Goo Angez said...

i realize what is wrong with these 5 words at long last.

they are all nouns. and therefore, our creativity is totally limited with the 'image' they already are.

my two cents.